Saturday, December 14, 2013

Final Project

There is only one problem with this video. When i went to interview the head of the department, he had previously lost his voice so he could not talk very loud. Thats the reason why his voice is so low. I tried to make it louder but it did not work.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

15I Studying

This week my friends and me went to the library and started studying for out finals. It was very good for me because it is better when you can talk about the problem because you get different prospective.

This week has been very hard and this study group really helped me stay focused. It also helped me learn more about my finals. I like hearing other students talk about it because I feel like it sticks in mind.  I hope that all this studying gets me good grades on my finals.


I am a little stressed from finals, but making up a schedule of when I’m going to study really helps. I decided that everyday when I come back from school I will look at everything that I have to study and divided them up into the ones that I NEED to study and the ones I know. So far I have not had any difficulty in trying to study.
 I believe that this is the easiest it gest because as we go into sophomore year it will be harder and harder. That is why I will try my best into everything I do. I want to get myself ready for when things do become hard. I think that this year was a easy year. I did not have much work to do and as finals came around I started to lose control. I thought that finals were going to be easy but I guess not. I am trying my hardest not to fail at anything I do.

Anyways, this semester I will make sure to be successful because it is my first year and I don’t want to be disappointed with my grades. I think I have worked too hard to fail. This semester is going to end in a good note and I am happy to end in such a good way. It takes away all the fear of failing because I know that if I study there is not way for me to fail.

15A Helpful Comments

I believe that this week was very helpful for me. I saw what everyone was doing and it gave me an idea of how I am going to do mine. Most of them were very funny and it kind of made me feel bad about mine. But watching this made me think of funny skits I can do. From watching all of the projects I decided to film my boyfriend stressing about writing a paper. I am also going to include his dog in it. I decided that the dog is going to give him advice and not me.
While I was watching the projects, I realized that I needed to look for glitches in my project. I really needed the class to give me advice because it is better to hear what other people had to say. For example, I did not realize that my music was too loud. I thought that my music was perfect. I was glad Gabby told me that because I would not want the audience to just focus on the music.
It was nice to give feedback to other students because it allowed them to fix their project and make it better. I realize that you cannot please everyone but the comments help a lot.

I also learned that I needed to add a lot of stuff I did not think about. I need to add more slides and make it longer.  I believe that my project will come out good because I got a lot of feedback on what I should do.

Friday, December 6, 2013

15V Autonomy

Autonomy- the right or condition of self-government

Autonomy is the state of existing or acting separately from others. It is very important to a college student and teachers. In college teachers are suppose to encourage individual Autonomy. When a teacher encourages free will it allows the students to think by them selves and not in a group. It allows them to have self-determination. As a student we have to make our own choices that makes us different from everyone else.

Two new words that I learned this week were penchant, which means a strong liking of something or a strong tendency to act a certain way, and endowment, which means the act of providing money to support a school.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013