Making creative videos is
very hard. It includes you being humorous and interesting. I believe that when
making a video for writing problems, there is no way to make it funny. As I
kept thinking that it cannot possibly be humorous, my Inquiry teachers gave the
class some ideas. She told us that if we make skits include ourselves in the
project, it would be funny.
I am glad because now I have an idea of what to do. I will
be including my self in the video and making funny comments. I will also show
myself struggling to write a five-page paper. I believe that will be creative
because it is something that every student goes through. I am sure that every
freshman this year has gone through something similar. As soon as the viewer
sees the beginning they will find it funny because they have gone through the
same problem.
I will also be putting good music because having good music
can change the viewer’s mood. It can make them more interested in the video as
well as enjoy it. It can keep the audiences attention and also keep them
focused and not wonder off. If the audience wonders of than I have not done my
job as the video maker. I will try my best to make this as creative as I can. I
will try to put funny quotes and make it funny while serious.
Making a college-level thinking video while making it funny
can be very hard for some students as well as myself. As long as I try hard
enough I am sure it will be very enjoyable and creative.