Saturday, November 30, 2013

14V Investment

Investment- the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.

When people hear the word investment they think of money and investing in a stock. But this word is much more than that. Investment relates to college students because we invest a lot of money to get a good education for the future. Also you are investing your time into studying and working. College is a very big investment because you are investing your time and money.

Two new words that I learned this week are valence, which means the combining of powers, and indeterminacy, which means the equality of being vague and poorly defined.

14I Pizza Time!!!

This week Kali and I went to Caesars Pizza near Southern. It was cheap and fun. We went there because we were soo hungry for pizza. Before when we would pass by it we would always see a man holding a sign or dressed as something and this time we took the chance and went it. The pizza was delicious and I saved a lot of money. It was a good experience! I am hoping that we could go there another time with more friends because that would make it more entertaining. I suggest that next time we should go study and eat pizza at the same time!

14B What Are You Thankful For???

This might sound cheesy but the first thing that I am thankful for is being alive and having a home. Many people have no homes or a table to even celebrate thanksgiving. Everyday that I wake up in my warm bed I thank god for everything I have.
The thing that I am most thankful for is my family. They are always there for me and never let me down. Even though sometimes they might be strict, I understand that they just want the best for me. When I am having a hard day, my mom comforts me and stays with me till I am feeling better. I am also thankful for my education. Most people don’t get the chance to go to college because they might not have money or not have enough motivation. Education is something that everyone should be thankful for.
The last thing I am thankful for is my boyfriend. I have never met someone who could be so perfect for me. People think I am weird because I talk about him a lot. It’s been 2 years that we have been dating and I can say that he makes everyday special for me. He understands me and always makes my day.

         I think that everyone has something to be thankful for. Most people are thankful for their family and life itself. This is because those are the only reason why we do what we do. We go to college to make our life better and make our family proud.

14A Is Chocolate A Stress Reliever????

This week I am really taking time to catch up on my sleep and not think about anything. I know most students would say that you should have started studying for finals, but I learn better when I am calm and rested. I needed this week to come because I have been doing homework and papers non-stop. This week I will enjoy my self with my family and also will take time to watch a movie and talk to some family members, who are out of state.

This week was a good time to just relax and hang out with my friends. I really don’t have a social life. I am always working or doing homework. This week I decided to just have free time. I had time to plan on how I will study for the midterms. I set up dates so that I know I have enough time.

Last but not least I bought a huge box of chocolate that ended the cravings I have had for a month now. Eating chocolate always calms me down. Lets just say it brings me to a whole other world. I don’t have much to say in this category because I am a very calm person. I take things slow and I don’t worry about it because the more you worry the worst you will do. That is my motto!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

13B As Creative As Possible

Making creative videos is very hard. It includes you being humorous and interesting. I believe that when making a video for writing problems, there is no way to make it funny. As I kept thinking that it cannot possibly be humorous, my Inquiry teachers gave the class some ideas. She told us that if we make skits include ourselves in the project, it would be funny.
         I am glad because now I have an idea of what to do. I will be including my self in the video and making funny comments. I will also show myself struggling to write a five-page paper. I believe that will be creative because it is something that every student goes through. I am sure that every freshman this year has gone through something similar. As soon as the viewer sees the beginning they will find it funny because they have gone through the same problem.  
         I will also be putting good music because having good music can change the viewer’s mood. It can make them more interested in the video as well as enjoy it. It can keep the audiences attention and also keep them focused and not wonder off. If the audience wonders of than I have not done my job as the video maker. I will try my best to make this as creative as I can. I will try to put funny quotes and make it funny while serious.

         Making a college-level thinking video while making it funny can be very hard for some students as well as myself. As long as I try hard enough I am sure it will be very enjoyable and creative.

13A College-Level Thinking

Making video projects has never been my things and you can tell from my midterm project. The last video project that I did was not college level thinking. I was disappointed because I really thought I did a good job. I actually believe that if I had devoted more time to this project I would have done better. Anyways, back to what I would do to my final project to make it a high level of college-level thinking. I will definitely devote more of my time to this project. I will also make sure it flows and has good transactions. In order for it to be more college level thinking I will be testing my self.
         Since my video is going to be about how freshman have trouble getting use to college level writing, I will be writing one of my English paper and I will go to the Writing Center. When I go there I will have someone film the writing tutor and me having a writing session. After the session I will write about how I improved during and after the session. This will be college level thinking because I will be testing the problem and solution by my self. It will also show the viewers how to get through the problem.

         After this I will be going online and finding other statistics on how to get better help. This will show the viewer that there are many options and that I do know what I am talking about. I will show results based on real life experience and also I will interview one of the writing tutors and ask them how student improve through out the year. If I do this I believe that it will be college-level thinking because I am showing both sides, the student and the tutors.